The Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation (EEOICPA) Program includes requirements not just for work history at a defined list of nuclear contractors, but also down to specific facilities and even job categories. To be eligible to file a claim as a current or former BWX Technologies (previously Babcock & Wilcox Co.) employee or sub-contractor, you can have any job category, but you must meet the following criteria:
Did I work at an eligible BWXT location in Lynchburg?
Did I work during covered years?
Employment must have included at least 250 total workdays across one or more time periods from:
Do I have one of these covered cancers?
You must be diagnosed by a physician with one or more radiogenic cancers:
Onset must have been at least two years after first exposure:
Onset must have been at least five years after first exposure:
Being part of the SEC allows eligible claimants to be compensated without the completion of a NIOSH radiation dose reconstruction or determination of the probability of causation.
To qualify for compensation as a member of an SEC class, a covered employee must have at least one of the 22 radiogenic cancers (noted above) and worked at one of the covered SEC work sites for at least 250 workdays across the time periods below.
Time Periods:
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